発表会 その2 といくつかの話題

統計処理 01 クラス : 第26回(12/19/02)

  1. 発表会 その2

  2. いくつかの話題
    ここ 1週間で何気なく拾い集めた統計関係の話題を紹介しよう。

  3. Excel との比較

  4. 次回は、... : 01月09日 14:45

  1. 判別分析
    検査結果や測定データが複数のグループから構成されている場合、 現在得られているデータから各群の特徴を抽出しておき、 次に得られたデータがどの群に属するかを識別(判別)する手法である。
    1. 誤判別リスクを最小に
    2. Fisher の Iris データを例に。
      第20回 で配布した「A Handbook of Small Data Sets (D.J.Hand, F.Daly, A.D.Lunn, K.J.McConway and E.Ostrowski, 1994, Chapman & Hall)」の No.33 に紹介されている。詳細はその項を参照のこと。
    3. プログラム : les2601.sas

       /* Lesson 26-1 */
       /*    File Name = les2601.sas   12/19/02   */
      options linesize=72;  /*  pagesize=20; */
      proc format;
        value specname
          1='Sentosa   '
          3='Virginica ';
        value specchar
      data iris;
        title "Fisher's Iris Data";
        infile 'IRISES.DAT';
        do obs=1 to 50;
          do species=1 to 3;
            input sepallen sepalwid petallen petalwid @@;
            format species specname.;
        label sepallen='Sepal Length in mm.'
              sepalwid='Sepal Width  in mm.'
              petallen='Petal Length in mm.'
              petalwid='Petal Width  in mm.';
      proc print data=iris(obs=10);
      title2 'Correlation of this data';
      proc corr data=iris;
        var sepallen sepalwid petallen petalwid;
      proc sort data=iris;
        by species;
      proc corr data=iris;
        var sepallen sepalwid petallen petalwid;
        by species;
      title2 'Histogram of petalwid';
      proc chart data=iris;
        hbar petalwid/subgroup=species midpoints=0.0 to 3.0 by 0.1;
        format species specchar.;
      title2 'Discriminant Analysis';
      proc discrim data=iris;
        class species;
        var petalwid;
      proc discrim data=iris outstat=irisout
           method=normal pool=test wcov pcov 
           distance anova manova listerr crosslisterr;
        class species;
        var sepallen sepalwid petallen petalwid;
      proc print data=irisout;

    4. 出力結果 : les2601.lst
      • 相関係数 : 全体、グループ毎
      • 1変量(Petalwid)の場合 : 単変量
        • ヒストグラム : 1変量の場合は描ける
        • グループ間の距離
        • 判別結果と誤判別率
      • 4変量(全変量)の場合 : 多変量
        • グループ間の距離
        • 分散共分散行列を等しいと見てよいか
        • 判別結果と誤判別率
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                          1
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
        1     1     Sentosa          5.1         3.5         1.4         0.2  
        2     1     Versicolor       7.0         3.2         4.7         1.4  
        3     1     Virginica        6.3         3.3         6.0         2.5  
        4     2     Sentosa          4.9         3.0         1.4         0.2  
        5     2     Versicolor       6.4         3.2         4.5         1.5  
        6     2     Virginica        5.8         2.7         5.1         1.9  
        7     3     Sentosa          4.7         3.2         1.3         0.2  
        8     3     Versicolor       6.9         3.1         4.9         1.5  
        9     3     Virginica        7.1         3.0         5.9         2.1  
       10     4     Sentosa          4.6         3.1         1.5         0.2  
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                          2
                              Correlation of this data
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
                                Correlation Analysis
                                 Simple Statistics
        Variable         N      Mean   Std Dev       Sum   Minimum   Maximum
        SEPALLEN       150    5.8433    0.8281     876.5    4.3000    7.9000
        SEPALWID       150    3.0573    0.4359     458.6    2.0000    4.4000
        PETALLEN       150    3.7580    1.7653     563.7    1.0000    6.9000
        PETALWID       150    1.1993    0.7622     179.9    0.1000    2.5000
      Pearson Correlation Coefficients / Prob > |R| under Ho: Rho=0 / N = 150 
                      SEPALLEN        SEPALWID        PETALLEN        PETALWID
      SEPALLEN         1.00000        -0.11757         0.87175         0.81794
                        0.0             0.1519          0.0001          0.0001
      SEPALWID        -0.11757         1.00000        -0.42844        -0.36613
                        0.1519          0.0             0.0001          0.0001
      PETALLEN         0.87175        -0.42844         1.00000         0.96287
                        0.0001          0.0001          0.0             0.0001
      PETALWID         0.81794        -0.36613         0.96287         1.00000
                        0.0001          0.0001          0.0001          0.0   
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                          3
                              Correlation of this data
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
      --------------------------- SPECIES=Sentosa ----------------------------
                                Correlation Analysis
                                 Simple Statistics
        Variable         N      Mean   Std Dev       Sum   Minimum   Maximum
        SEPALLEN        50    5.0060    0.3525     250.3    4.3000    5.8000
        SEPALWID        50    3.4280    0.3791     171.4    2.3000    4.4000
        PETALLEN        50    1.4620    0.1737   73.1000    1.0000    1.9000
        PETALWID        50    0.2460    0.1054   12.3000    0.1000    0.6000
      Pearson Correlation Coefficients / Prob > |R| under Ho: Rho=0 / N = 50  
                      SEPALLEN        SEPALWID        PETALLEN        PETALWID
      SEPALLEN         1.00000         0.74255         0.26718         0.27810
                        0.0             0.0001          0.0607          0.0505
      SEPALWID         0.74255         1.00000         0.17770         0.23275
                        0.0001          0.0             0.2170          0.1038
      PETALLEN         0.26718         0.17770         1.00000         0.33163
                        0.0607          0.2170          0.0             0.0186
      PETALWID         0.27810         0.23275         0.33163         1.00000
                        0.0505          0.1038          0.0186          0.0   
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                          4
                              Correlation of this data
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
      -------------------------- SPECIES=Versicolor --------------------------
                                Correlation Analysis
                                 Simple Statistics
        Variable         N      Mean   Std Dev       Sum   Minimum   Maximum
        SEPALLEN        50    5.9360    0.5162     296.8    4.9000    7.0000
        SEPALWID        50    2.7700    0.3138     138.5    2.0000    3.4000
        PETALLEN        50    4.2600    0.4699     213.0    3.0000    5.1000
        PETALWID        50    1.3260    0.1978   66.3000    1.0000    1.8000
      Pearson Correlation Coefficients / Prob > |R| under Ho: Rho=0 / N = 50  
                      SEPALLEN        SEPALWID        PETALLEN        PETALWID
      SEPALLEN         1.00000         0.52591         0.75405         0.54646
                        0.0             0.0001          0.0001          0.0001
      SEPALWID         0.52591         1.00000         0.56052         0.66400
                        0.0001          0.0             0.0001          0.0001
      PETALLEN         0.75405         0.56052         1.00000         0.78667
                        0.0001          0.0001          0.0             0.0001
      PETALWID         0.54646         0.66400         0.78667         1.00000
                        0.0001          0.0001          0.0001          0.0   
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                          5
                              Correlation of this data
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
      -------------------------- SPECIES=Virginica ---------------------------
                                Correlation Analysis
                                 Simple Statistics
        Variable         N      Mean   Std Dev       Sum   Minimum   Maximum
        SEPALLEN        50    6.5880    0.6359     329.4    4.9000    7.9000
        SEPALWID        50    2.9740    0.3225     148.7    2.2000    3.8000
        PETALLEN        50    5.5520    0.5519     277.6    4.5000    6.9000
        PETALWID        50    2.0260    0.2747     101.3    1.4000    2.5000
      Pearson Correlation Coefficients / Prob > |R| under Ho: Rho=0 / N = 50  
                      SEPALLEN        SEPALWID        PETALLEN        PETALWID
      SEPALLEN         1.00000         0.45723         0.86422         0.28111
                        0.0             0.0008          0.0001          0.0480
      SEPALWID         0.45723         1.00000         0.40104         0.53773
                        0.0008          0.0             0.0039          0.0001
      PETALLEN         0.86422         0.40104         1.00000         0.32211
                        0.0001          0.0039          0.0             0.0225
      PETALWID         0.28111         0.53773         0.32211         1.00000
                        0.0480          0.0001          0.0225          0.0   
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                          6
                               Histogram of petalwid
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
      PETALWID                                         Cum.              Cum.
      Midpoint                                   Freq  Freq  Percent  Percent
           0.0   |                                  0     0     0.00     0.00
           0.1   |SSSSS                             5     5     3.33     3.33
           0.2   |SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS    29    34    19.33    22.67
           0.3   |SSSSSSS                           7    41     4.67    27.33
           0.4   |SSSSSSS                           7    48     4.67    32.00
           0.5   |S                                 1    49     0.67    32.67
           0.6   |S                                 1    50     0.67    33.33
           0.7   |                                  0    50     0.00    33.33
           0.8   |                                  0    50     0.00    33.33
           0.9   |                                  0    50     0.00    33.33
           1.0   |OOOOOOO                           7    57     4.67    38.00
           1.1   |OOO                               3    60     2.00    40.00
           1.2   |OOOOO                             5    65     3.33    43.33
           1.3   |OOOOOOOOOOOOO                    13    78     8.67    52.00
           1.4   |OOOOOOOV                          8    86     5.33    57.33
           1.5   |OOOOOOOOOOVV                     12    98     8.00    65.33
           1.6   |OOOV                              4   102     2.67    68.00
           1.7   |OV                                2   104     1.33    69.33
           1.8   |OVVVVVVVVVVV                     12   116     8.00    77.33
           1.9   |VVVVV                             5   121     3.33    80.67
           2.0   |VVVVVV                            6   127     4.00    84.67
           2.1   |VVVVVV                            6   133     4.00    88.67
           2.2   |VVV                               3   136     2.00    90.67
           2.3   |VVVVVVVV                          8   144     5.33    96.00
           2.4   |VVV                               3   147     2.00    98.00
           2.5   |VVV                               3   150     2.00   100.00
           2.6   |                                  0   150     0.00   100.00
           2.7   |                                  0   150     0.00   100.00
           2.8   |                                  0   150     0.00   100.00
           2.9   |                                  0   150     0.00   100.00
           3.0   |                                  0   150     0.00   100.00
                      5    10   15   20   25
                   記号 SPECIES     記号 SPECIES     記号 SPECIES
                     S  S             O  O             V  V
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                          7
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
                               Discriminant Analysis
                    150 Observations        149 DF Total
                      1 Variables           147 DF Within Classes
                      3 Classes               2 DF Between Classes
                              Class Level Information
       SPECIES        Frequency        Weight     Proportion     Probability
       Sentosa               50       50.0000       0.333333        0.333333
       Versicolor            50       50.0000       0.333333        0.333333
       Virginica             50       50.0000       0.333333        0.333333
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                          8
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
           Discriminant Analysis     Pooled Covariance Matrix Information
                  Covariance       Natural Log of the Determinant
                  Matrix Rank      of the Covariance Matrix
                        1                    -3.1729079
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                          9
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
                               Discriminant Analysis
               Pairwise Generalized Squared Distances Between Groups
                          2         _   _       -1  _   _  
                         D (i|j) = (X - X )' COV   (X - X )
                                     i   j           i   j 
                             Generalized Squared Distance to SPECIES
              SPECIES           Sentosa     Versicolor      Virginica
              Sentosa                 0       27.84992       75.65130
              Versicolor       27.84992              0       11.69964
              Virginica        75.65130       11.69964              0
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                         10
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
               Discriminant Analysis     Linear Discriminant Function
                           _     -1 _                              -1 _ 
            Constant = -.5 X' COV   X      Coefficient Vector = COV   X 
                            j        j                                 j
                               Sentosa     Versicolor      Virginica
               CONSTANT       -0.72246      -20.99102      -49.00330
               PETALWID        5.87370       31.66066       48.37443
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                         11
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
                               Discriminant Analysis
               Classification Summary for Calibration Data: WORK.IRIS
             Resubstitution Summary using Linear Discriminant Function
                Generalized Squared Distance Function:
                 2         _       -1   _  
                D (X) = (X-X )' COV  (X-X )
                 j          j            j 
                Posterior Probability of Membership in each SPECIES:
                                   2                    2    
                Pr(j|X) = exp(-.5 D (X)) / SUM exp(-.5 D (X))
                                   j        k           k    
                  Number of Observations and Percent Classified into SPECIES:
      From SPECIES          Sentosa    Versicolor     Virginica         Total
           Sentosa               50             0             0            50
                             100.00          0.00          0.00        100.00
           Versicolor             0            48             2            50
                               0.00         96.00          4.00        100.00
           Virginica              0             4            46            50
                               0.00          8.00         92.00        100.00
           Total                 50            52            48           150
           Percent            33.33         34.67         32.00        100.00
           Priors            0.3333        0.3333        0.3333
                      Error Count Estimates for SPECIES:
                       Sentosa     Versicolor     Virginica        Total
           Rate         0.0000         0.0400        0.0800       0.0400
           Priors       0.3333         0.3333        0.3333             
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                         12
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
                               Discriminant Analysis
                    150 Observations        149 DF Total
                      4 Variables           147 DF Within Classes
                      3 Classes               2 DF Between Classes
                              Class Level Information
       SPECIES        Frequency        Weight     Proportion     Probability
       Sentosa               50       50.0000       0.333333        0.333333
       Versicolor            50       50.0000       0.333333        0.333333
       Virginica             50       50.0000       0.333333        0.333333
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                         13
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
        Discriminant Analysis              Within-Class Covariance Matrices
                           SPECIES = Sentosa     DF = 49
      Variable        SEPALLEN        SEPALWID        PETALLEN        PETALWID
      SEPALLEN    0.1242489796    0.0992163265    0.0163551020    0.0103306122
      SEPALWID    0.0992163265    0.1436897959    0.0116979592    0.0092979592
      PETALLEN    0.0163551020    0.0116979592    0.0301591837    0.0060693878
      PETALWID    0.0103306122    0.0092979592    0.0060693878    0.0111061224
                          SPECIES = Versicolor     DF = 49
      Variable        SEPALLEN        SEPALWID        PETALLEN        PETALWID
      SEPALLEN    0.2664326531    0.0851836735    0.1828979592    0.0557795918
      SEPALWID    0.0851836735    0.0984693878    0.0826530612    0.0412040816
      PETALLEN    0.1828979592    0.0826530612    0.2208163265    0.0731020408
      PETALWID    0.0557795918    0.0412040816    0.0731020408    0.0391061224
                          SPECIES = Virginica     DF = 49
      Variable        SEPALLEN        SEPALWID        PETALLEN        PETALWID
      SEPALLEN    0.4043428571    0.0937632653    0.3032897959    0.0490938776
      SEPALWID    0.0937632653    0.1040040816    0.0713795918    0.0476285714
      PETALLEN    0.3032897959    0.0713795918    0.3045877551    0.0488244898
      PETALWID    0.0490938776    0.0476285714    0.0488244898    0.0754326531
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                         14
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
                               Discriminant Analysis
                 Pooled Within-Class Covariance Matrix     DF = 147
      Variable        SEPALLEN        SEPALWID        PETALLEN        PETALWID
      SEPALLEN    0.2650081633    0.0927210884    0.1675142857    0.0384013605
      SEPALWID    0.0927210884    0.1153877551    0.0552435374    0.0327102041
      PETALLEN    0.1675142857    0.0552435374    0.1851877551    0.0426653061
      PETALWID    0.0384013605    0.0327102041    0.0426653061    0.0418816327
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                         15
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
           Discriminant Analysis     Within Covariance Matrix Information
                          Covariance      Natural Log of the Determinant
           SPECIES        Matrix Rank        of the Covariance Matrix 
           Sentosa              4                    -13.06736          
           Versicolor           4                    -10.87433          
           Virginica            4                     -8.92706          
           Pooled               4                     -9.95854          
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                         16
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
                               Discriminant Analysis
                 Test of Homogeneity of Within Covariance Matrices
          Notation: K    = Number of Groups                               
                    P    = Number of Variables                            
                    N    = Total Number of Observations - Number of Groups
                    N(i) = Number of Observations in the i'th Group - 1   
                             __                       N(i)/2              
                             ||  |Within SS Matrix(i)|                    
                    V    = -----------------------------------            
                                 |Pooled SS Matrix|                       
                                  _                  _     2              
                                 |       1        1   |  2P + 3P - 1      
                    RHO  = 1.0 - | SUM -----  -  ---  | -------------     
                                 |_     N(i)      N  _|  6(P+1)(K-1)      
                    DF   = .5(K-1)P(P+1)                                  
                                         _                  _ 
                                        |    PN/2            |
                                        |   N        V       |
      Under null hypothesis:  -2 RHO ln | ------------------ |
                                        |   __      PN(i)/2  |
                                        |_  ||  N(i)        _|
      is distributed approximately as chi-square(DF)
      Test Chi-Square Value =   140.943050
      with     20 DF      Prob > Chi-Sq = 0.0001
      Since the chi-square value is significant at the  0.1 level, 
      the within covariance matrices will be used in 
      the discriminant function.
      Reference: Morrison, D.F. (1976)    Multivariate Statistical Methods p252.
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                         17
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
        Discriminant Analysis     Pairwise Squared Distances Between Groups
                          2         _   _       -1  _   _  
                         D (i|j) = (X - X )' COV   (X - X )
                                     i   j      j    i   j 
                             Squared Distance to SPECIES
              SPECIES           Sentosa     Versicolor      Virginica
              Sentosa                 0      103.19382      168.76759
              Versicolor      323.06203              0       13.83875
              Virginica       706.08494       17.86670              0
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                         18
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
                               Discriminant Analysis
               Pairwise Generalized Squared Distances Between Groups
                    2         _   _       -1  _   _  
                   D (i|j) = (X - X )' COV   (X - X ) + ln |COV |
                               i   j      j    i   j           j 
                             Generalized Squared Distance to SPECIES
              SPECIES           Sentosa     Versicolor      Virginica
              Sentosa         -13.06736       92.31949      159.84053
              Versicolor      309.99467      -10.87433        4.91170
              Virginica       693.01757        6.99238       -8.92706
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                         19
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
                               Discriminant Analysis
                             Univariate Test Statistics
                      F Statistics,    Num DF= 2   Den DF= 147
                      Total       Pooled      Between                     RSQ/
      Variable          STD          STD          STD    R-Squared     (1-RSQ)
      SEPALLEN       0.8281       0.5148       0.7951     0.618706      1.6226
      SEPALWID       0.4359       0.3397       0.3368     0.400783      0.6688
      PETALLEN       1.7653       0.4303       2.0907     0.941372     16.0566
      PETALWID       0.7622       0.2047       0.8967     0.928883     13.0613
         Univariate Test Statistics
      Variable         F        Pr > F
      SEPALLEN     119.2645     0.0001
      SEPALWID      49.1600     0.0001
      PETALLEN    1180.1612     0.0001
      PETALWID     960.0071     0.0001
                     Average R-Squared:  Unweighted = 0.7224358
                               Weighted by Variance = 0.8689444
                    Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations
                                S=2    M=0.5    N=71
      Statistic                    Value         F     Num DF   Den DF  Pr > F
      Wilks' Lambda            0.023438631   199.145        8      288  0.0001
      Pillai's Trace           1.191898825   53.4665        8      290  0.0001
      Hotelling-Lawley Trace   32.47732024   580.532        8      286  0.0001
      Roy's Greatest Root       32.1919292   1166.96        4      145  0.0001
               NOTE:  ROY'S GREATEST ROOT のF統計量は上側限界です.
                    NOTE:  WILKS のラムダのF統計量は正確です.
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                         20
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
                               Discriminant Analysis
               Classification Results for Calibration Data: WORK.IRIS
            Resubstitution Results using Quadratic Discriminant Function
                Generalized Squared Distance Function:
                 2         _       -1   _  
                D (X) = (X-X )' COV  (X-X ) + ln |COV |
                 j          j      j     j           j 
                Posterior Probability of Membership in each SPECIES:
                                   2                    2    
                Pr(j|X) = exp(-.5 D (X)) / SUM exp(-.5 D (X))
                                   j        k           k    
                               Posterior Probability of Membership in SPECIES:
            Obs  From        Classified
                 SPECIES     into SPECIES     Sentosa  Versicolor   Virginica
             71  Versicolor  Virginica  *      0.0000      0.3359      0.6641
             84  Versicolor  Virginica  *      0.0000      0.1543      0.8457
            134  Virginica   Versicolor *      0.0000      0.6050      0.3950
                            * Misclassified observation
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                         21
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
                               Discriminant Analysis
               Classification Summary for Calibration Data: WORK.IRIS
            Resubstitution Summary using Quadratic Discriminant Function
                Generalized Squared Distance Function:
                 2         _       -1   _  
                D (X) = (X-X )' COV  (X-X ) + ln |COV |
                 j          j      j     j           j 
                Posterior Probability of Membership in each SPECIES:
                                   2                    2    
                Pr(j|X) = exp(-.5 D (X)) / SUM exp(-.5 D (X))
                                   j        k           k    
                  Number of Observations and Percent Classified into SPECIES:
      From SPECIES          Sentosa    Versicolor     Virginica         Total
           Sentosa               50             0             0            50
                             100.00          0.00          0.00        100.00
           Versicolor             0            48             2            50
                               0.00         96.00          4.00        100.00
           Virginica              0             1            49            50
                               0.00          2.00         98.00        100.00
           Total                 50            49            51           150
           Percent            33.33         32.67         34.00        100.00
           Priors            0.3333        0.3333        0.3333
                      Error Count Estimates for SPECIES:
                       Sentosa     Versicolor     Virginica        Total
           Rate         0.0000         0.0400        0.0200       0.0200
           Priors       0.3333         0.3333        0.3333             
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                         22
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
                               Discriminant Analysis
               Classification Results for Calibration Data: WORK.IRIS
           Cross-validation Results using Quadratic Discriminant Function
                Generalized Squared Distance Function:
                 2         _          -1     _     
                D (X) = (X-X    )' COV    (X-X    ) + ln |COV    |
                 j          (X)j      (X)j    (X)j           (X)j 
                Posterior Probability of Membership in each SPECIES:
                                   2                    2    
                Pr(j|X) = exp(-.5 D (X)) / SUM exp(-.5 D (X))
                                   j        k           k    
                               Posterior Probability of Membership in SPECIES:
            Obs  From        Classified
                 SPECIES     into SPECIES     Sentosa  Versicolor   Virginica
             69  Versicolor  Virginica  *      0.0000      0.3134      0.6866
             71  Versicolor  Virginica  *      0.0000      0.1616      0.8384
             84  Versicolor  Virginica  *      0.0000      0.0713      0.9287
            134  Virginica   Versicolor *      0.0000      0.6632      0.3368
                            * Misclassified observation
                                 Fisher's Iris Data                         23
                               Discriminant Analysis
                                             13:04 Thursday, December 19, 2002
                               Discriminant Analysis
               Classification Summary for Calibration Data: WORK.IRIS
           Cross-validation Summary using Quadratic Discriminant Function
                Generalized Squared Distance Function:
                 2         _          -1     _     
                D (X) = (X-X    )' COV    (X-X    ) + ln |COV    |
                 j          (X)j      (X)j    (X)j           (X)j 
                Posterior Probability of Membership in each SPECIES:
                                   2                    2    
                Pr(j|X) = exp(-.5 D (X)) / SUM exp(-.5 D (X))
                                   j        k           k    
                  Number of Observations and Percent Classified into SPECIES:
      From SPECIES          Sentosa    Versicolor     Virginica         Total
           Sentosa               50             0             0            50
                             100.00          0.00          0.00        100.00
           Versicolor             0            47             3            50
                               0.00         94.00          6.00        100.00
           Virginica              0             1            49            50
                               0.00          2.00         98.00        100.00
           Total                 50            48            52           150
           Percent            33.33         32.00         34.67        100.00
           Priors            0.3333        0.3333        0.3333
                      Error Count Estimates for SPECIES:
                       Sentosa     Versicolor     Virginica        Total
           Rate         0.0000         0.0600        0.0200       0.0267
           Priors       0.3333         0.3333        0.3333             

    5. 解釈方法