proc reg data=gakusei; model weight=height chest; where seibetsu='M' and weight<85; output out=outreg1 predicted=pred1 residual=resid1; run; proc print data=outreg1(obs=15); run; proc plot data=outreg1; where seibetsu='M' and weight^=. and height^=. and chest^=. and weight<85; plot weight*chest; plot weight*pred1; plot resid1*pred1; plot resid1*height; plot resid1*chest; plot resid1*weight; run; proc univariate data=outreg1 plot normal; where seibetsu='M' and weight^=. and height^=. and chest^=. and weight<85; var resid1; var weight height chest; run;
SAS システム 14 22:01 Wednesday, July 25, 2001 Univariate Procedure Variable=RESID1 Residual Moments N 50 Sum Wgts 50 Mean 0 Sum 0 Std Dev 4.87017 Variance 23.71856 Skewness 0.2674 Kurtosis -0.43989 USS 1162.209 CSS 1162.209 CV . Std Mean 0.688746 T:Mean=0 0 Pr>|T| 1.0000 Num ^= 0 50 Num > 0 20 M(Sign) -5 Pr>=|M| 0.2026 Sgn Rank -23.5 Pr>=|S| 0.8232 W:Normal 0.973067 Pr< W 0.4749 SAS システム 15 22:01 Wednesday, July 25, 2001 Univariate Procedure Variable=RESID1 Residual Quantiles(Def=5) 100% Max 10.52045 99% 10.52045 75% Q3 3.839371 95% 9.379677 50% Med -0.56758 90% 6.81807 25% Q1 -3.26226 10% -5.58025 0% Min -10.3023 5% -7.37855 1% -10.3023 Range 20.8227 Q3-Q1 7.101633 Mode -10.3023 SAS システム 16 22:01 Wednesday, July 25, 2001 Univariate Procedure Variable=RESID1 Residual Extremes Lowest Obs Highest Obs -10.3023( 3) 7.014686( 11) -8.57845( 45) 8.258674( 31) -7.37855( 24) 9.379677( 40) -6.44154( 47) 9.38763( 38) -6.22982( 4) 10.52045( 23) SAS システム 17 22:01 Wednesday, July 25, 2001 Univariate Procedure Variable=RESID1 Residual Stem Leaf # Boxplot 1 1 1 | 0 5556677899 10 | 0 222222344 9 +--+--+ -0 443333333222111100000 21 *-----* -0 97665555 8 | -1 0 1 | ----+----+----+----+- Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+1 SAS システム 18 22:01 Wednesday, July 25, 2001 Univariate Procedure Variable=RESID1 Residual Normal Probability Plot 12.5+ +*+++ | ****+**+*++ | +++*******+ | *************** | ++*+**+*++ -12.5++++*+ +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ -2 -1 0 +1 +2
[平均」─ 3x[標準偏差] 〜 [平均]+ 3x[標準偏差] の範囲に
data gakusei; infile 'all01.prn'; input seibetsu $ height weight chest jitaku $ kodukai; dekasa=height+weight+chest; : 変量間の加減乗除 ch_2=chest**2; : 二乗 ch_sr=sqrt(chest); : ルート
data rei02; infile 'seito.prn'; input id $ sex $ kesseki $ koku $ suu1 $ suu2 $ tireki $ koumin $ rika $; if sex^='M' then delete; /* male only */ if kesseki^='0' then delete; /* syusseki-sya only */ if tireki="世界史-0" then tireki="世界史"; if tireki="世界史-2" then tireki="世界史"; if tireki="日本史-2" then tireki="日本史"; if tireki="日本史-3" then tireki="日本史"; ...
[例3] 複数の処理をさせたい場合
if tireki="世界史-0" then do; tireki="世界史"; koumin=.; end; ...