/* Lesson 22-3 */ /* File Name = les2203.sas 11/21/02 */ options linesize=72; /* pagesize=20; */ data rei02; do i=1 to 100; x=rannor(23456); x10=int(x*10); output; end; run; title "Default"; proc chart data=rei02; hbar x; run; title "Ascending order"; proc chart data=rei02; hbar x / midpoints=-3 to 3 by .5; run; title "Descending order"; proc chart data=rei02; hbar x / midpoints=3 to -3 by -.5; run; title "Default"; proc freq data=rei02; tables x10; run; title "Freqency order"; proc freq data=rei02 order=freq; tables x10; run; proc sort data=rei02; by decending x10; run; title "Descending order"; proc freq data=rei02 order=data; tables x10; run;