Provide help willingly Listen attentively to student questions Treat students equally and fairly Offer words of encouragement Set realistic deadlines for assignments Announce tests in advance Grade and return tests promptly Present information in a logical sequence Use real world examples in teaching Be professional in speech and actions Involve students in class discussions Allow time for questions after class Relate teaching to career interests Give constructive criticism Provide a break in a two-hour or longer class Give classwork to enhance learning Give homework to enhance learning Preview the lesson before teaching Review the lesson after teaching Empathize with students Require students to use standard English in class when they speak or write Write notes on chalkboard while teaching Vary voice tone while teaching Give students extra credit assignments Use personal experiences as examples in teaching Allocate points for class participation Give objective exams Discuss ethical issues and societal norms Require students to know instructor's name Allocate points for class attendance Encourage team or group work Be humorous in class Require students to bring books to class Deduct points for assignments submitted late Require that all papers be typed Use the case study method in teaching Assign projects requiring the use of the library Call students by first name Move around in the classroom when teaching Require compulsory class attendance Have students read a chapter and answer questions before teaching the content of the chapter Give take-home exams Require computer use for class projects Use transparencies to teach Allocate points for outside readings Give essay exams Not accept assignments submitted late Encourage students to dress professionally Give unannounced quizzes Call students by last name