結果: les1201.sas

The Print Procedure


Obs sex shintyou taijyuu kyoui jitaku kodukai carryer tsuuwa
1 F 145.0 38 . 自宅生 10000   .
2 F 145.5 42 76 自宅生 0   3700
3 F 146.7 41 85 自宅生 10000 Vodafone 6000
4 F 148.0 42 . 自宅生 50000   .
5 F 148.0 43 80 自宅生 50000 DoCoMo 4000

*** データ全体を対象に ***

The FREQ Procedure

The Freq Procedure

Table sex

One-Way Frequencies

sex Frequency Percent Cumulative
Frequency Missing = 125
F 141 29.81 141 29.81
M 332 70.19 473 100.00

*** データ全体を対象に ***

The MEANS Procedure

The Means Procedure

Summary statistics

Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum

*** データ全体を対象に ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: shintyou

The Univariate Procedure



N 575 Sum Weights 575
Mean 168.757043 Sum Observations 97035.3
Std Deviation 7.82681767 Variance 61.2590749
Skewness -0.4045469 Kurtosis -0.118704
Uncorrected SS 16410553.1 Corrected SS 35162.709
Coeff Variation 4.63792059 Std Error Mean 0.32640086

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 168.7570 Std Deviation 7.82682
Median 170.0000 Variance 61.25907
Mode 170.0000 Range 42.00000
    Interquartile Range 11.00000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 517.0239 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 287.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 82800 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 187.0
99% 185.0
95% 180.0
90% 178.0
75% Q3 175.0
50% Median 170.0
25% Q1 164.0
10% 158.0
5% 155.0
1% 148.9
0% Min 145.0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
145.0 1 185.0 571
145.5 2 185.0 572
146.7 3 186.0 573
148.0 5 186.5 574
148.0 4 187.0 575

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 23 3.85 100.00

*** データ全体を対象に ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: shintyou


                     Histogram                     #  Boxplot                 
    187+**                                         3     |                    
       .***                                        5     |                    
       .*****                                     10     |                    
       .*************                             26     |                    
       .***************                           30     |                    
       .*****************                         33     |                    
       .***************************               53  +-----+                 
    173+*******************************           61  |     |                 
       .**************************************    75  *-----*                 
       .**************************                52  |  +  |                 
       .***********************                   46  |     |                 
       .*********************                     41  +-----+                 
       .*******************                       37     |                    
       .***************                           30     |                    
    159+*********                                 17     |                    
       .***********                               22     |                    
       .****                                       8     |                    
       .******                                    12     |                    
       .****                                       7     |                    
       .**                                         4     |                    
       .*                                          1     0                    
    145+*                                          2     0                    
        * may represent up to 2 counts                                        

*** データ全体を対象に ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: shintyou

                       Normal Probability Plot                                
     187+                                                ++*                  
        |                                             ++****                  
        |                                          ++****                     
        |                                       *****                         
        |                                    ****                             
        |                                  ***                                
        |                               ****                                  
     173+                            ****                                     
        |                         ****+                                       
        |                      ****+                                          
        |                    ***++                                            
        |                  ***+                                               
        |                ***                                                  
        |              ***                                                    
     159+            ***                                                      
        |         ****                                                        
        |       +**                                                           
        |    +****                                                            
        |  +***                                                               
             -2        -1         0        +1        +2                       

*** データ全体を対象に ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: taijyuu



N 531 Sum Weights 531
Mean 59.7519774 Sum Observations 31728.3
Std Deviation 9.37484847 Variance 87.8877838
Skewness 0.68435169 Kurtosis 1.3941975
Uncorrected SS 1942409.19 Corrected SS 46580.5254
Coeff Variation 15.6896037 Std Error Mean 0.40683377

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 59.75198 Std Deviation 9.37485
Median 60.00000 Variance 87.88778
Mode 60.00000 Range 65.00000
    Interquartile Range 12.00000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 146.8707 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 265.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 70623 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 100.0
99% 88.5
95% 75.0
90% 71.0
75% Q3 65.0
50% Median 60.0
25% Q1 53.0
10% 48.0
5% 46.0
1% 41.5
0% Min 35.0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
35 15 90 411
38 1 90 563
41 29 95 518
41 18 98 428
41 3 100 519

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 67 11.20 100.00

*** データ全体を対象に ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: taijyuu


                       Histogram                      #  Boxplot              
  102.5+*                                             1     0                 
       .*                                             2     0                 
       .*                                             2     0                 
       .**                                            4     0                 
       .**                                            5     0                 
       .*****                                        15     |                 
       .****************                             46     |                 
       .**************************                   76  +-----+              
       .*****************************************   122  *-----*              
       .************************************        108  |  +  |              
       .******************************               89  +-----+              
       .***************                              44     |                 
       .*****                                        15     |                 
   37.5+*                                             2     |                 
        * may represent up to 3 counts                                        

*** データ全体を対象に ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: taijyuu

                       Normal Probability Plot                                
   102.5+                                                  *                  
        |                                                  *                  
        |                                                 **                  
        |                                              ***                    
        |                                            ***++++                  
        |                                         ****++                      
        |                                    ******                           
        |                               ******                                
        |                         *******                                     
        |                   *******                                           
        |             *******                                                 
        |       *******+                                                      
             -2        -1         0        +1        +2                       

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法1) ***

The MEANS Procedure

The Means Procedure

Summary statistics

Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法1) ***

The MEANS Procedure

The Means Procedure

Summary statistics

Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The MEANS Procedure

The Means Procedure

sex=' '

Summary statistics

Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum


Summary statistics

Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum


Summary statistics

Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: shintyou

The Univariate Procedure

sex=' '



N 117 Sum Weights 117
Mean 170.867521 Sum Observations 19991.5
Std Deviation 6.88616591 Variance 47.4192809
Skewness -0.1967722 Kurtosis -0.1614551
Uncorrected SS 3421398.69 Corrected SS 5500.63658
Coeff Variation 4.03011986 Std Error Mean 0.63662626

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 170.8675 Std Deviation 6.88617
Median 170.0000 Variance 47.41928
Mode 175.0000 Range 36.00000
    Interquartile Range 9.00000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 268.3953 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 58.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 3451.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 187
99% 185
95% 182
90% 180
75% Q3 175
50% Median 170
25% Q1 166
10% 162
5% 159
1% 155
0% Min 151

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
151 1 182 113
155 3 183 114
155 2 183 115
157 4 185 116
158 5 187 117

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 8 6.40 100.00

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: shintyou


   Stem Leaf                     #  Boxplot                                   
    186 0                        1     |                                      
    184 0                        1     |                                      
    182 0000                     4     |                                      
    180 0000003                  7     |                                      
    178 00000000                 8     |                                      
    176 00560000                 8     |                                      
    174 00000000000000          14  +-----+                                   
    172 00000000000000          14  |     |                                   
    170 0000000000              10  *--+--*                                   
    168 00000000023             11  |     |                                   
    166 00000000005             11  +-----+                                   
    164 00001000000             11     |                                      
    162 00000000000             11     |                                      
    160                                |                                      
    158 00                       2     |                                      
    156 0                        1     |                                      
    154 00                       2     |                                      
    150 0                        1     0                                      

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: shintyou

                       Normal Probability Plot                                
     187+                                               +++*                  
        |                                             ++*                     
        |                                          ****                       
        |                                     *****                           
        |                                  ****+                              
        |                                ***+                                 
        |                            *****                                    
        |                         ****+                                       
        |                       ***+                                          
     169+                     ***                                             
        |                  ****                                               
        |               ****                                                  
        |         ******+                                                     
        |          +++                                                        
        |       **+                                                           
        |    ++*                                                              
        | ++* *                                                               
             -2        -1         0        +1        +2                       

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: taijyuu



N 114 Sum Weights 114
Mean 61.7377193 Sum Observations 7038.1
Std Deviation 9.48644483 Variance 89.9926355
Skewness 0.89920102 Kurtosis 1.68613868
Uncorrected SS 444685.41 Corrected SS 10169.1678
Coeff Variation 15.3657196 Std Error Mean 0.88848696

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 61.73772 Std Deviation 9.48644
Median 60.00000 Variance 89.99264
Mode 55.00000 Range 57.00000
    Interquartile Range 12.00000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 69.48635 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 57 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 3277.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 98.0
99% 90.0
95% 79.9
90% 72.0
75% Q3 67.0
50% Median 60.0
25% Q1 55.0
10% 51.0
5% 50.0
1% 45.0
0% Min 41.0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
41 2 80 75
45 18 85 101
46 1 87 104
48 39 90 74
48 31 98 76

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 11 8.80 100.00

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: taijyuu


   Stem Leaf                         #  Boxplot                               
      9 8                            1     0                                  
      9 0                            1     0                                  
      8 57                           2     0                                  
      8 00                           2     |                                  
      7 56                           2     |                                  
      7 000000112222234             15     |                                  
      6 5555555555677778888         19  +-----+                               
      6 000000000001222233334444    24  *--+--*                               
      5 555555555555666788888899    24  +-----+                               
      5 0000011222222344444         19     |                                  
      4 5688                         4     |                                  
      4 1                            1     |                                  
    Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+1                                              

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: taijyuu

                       Normal Probability Plot                                
    97.5+                                                  *                  
        |                                               *                     
        |                                            **    +                  
        |                                          *  +++++                   
        |                                       +***++                        
        |                                 *******                             
        |                            ******                                   
        |                       ******                                        
        |                 *******                                             
        |        **********                                                   
        |   * ** *++++                                                        
    42.5+*  +++++                                                             
             -2        -1         0        +1        +2                       

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kyoui



N 43 Sum Weights 43
Mean 85.0953488 Sum Observations 3659.1
Std Deviation 10.8486987 Variance 117.694264
Skewness -3.230705 Kurtosis 15.1935403
Uncorrected SS 316315.55 Corrected SS 4943.15907
Coeff Variation 12.7488739 Std Error Mean 1.65441104

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 85.09535 Std Deviation 10.84870
Median 87.70000 Variance 117.69426
Mode 90.00000 Range 71.50000
    Interquartile Range 8.00000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 51.43543 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 21.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 473 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 102.0
99% 102.0
95% 95.0
90% 93.0
75% Q3 90.0
50% Median 87.7
25% Q1 82.0
10% 76.0
5% 76.0
1% 30.5
0% Min 30.5

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
30.5 48 93 114
63.0 40 95 75
76.0 102 95 88
76.0 78 98 90
76.0 65 102 104

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 82 65.60 100.00

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kyoui


   Stem Leaf                     #  Boxplot                                   
     10 2                        1     |                                      
      9 558                      3     |                                      
      9 00000000223             11  +-----+                                   
      8 55556678888899          14  *--+--*                                   
      8 000002344                9  +-----+                                   
      7 666                      3     |                                      
      6 3                        1     0                                      
      3 0                        1     *                                      
    Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+1                                              

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kyoui

                       Normal Probability Plot                                
   102.5+                                       +++++   *                     
        |                                   ++++**  *                         
        |                             *********                               
        |                     *********                                       
        |              *******++++                                            
        |          ** *  +++++                                                
        |            ++++                                                     
    67.5+       +++++                                                         
        |  +++++*                                                             
    32.5+   *                                                                 
             -2        -1         0        +1        +2                       

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kodukai



N 82 Sum Weights 82
Mean 25193.0854 Sum Observations 2065833
Std Deviation 34945.0402 Variance 1221155837
Skewness 1.01078922 Kurtosis -0.5254177
Uncorrected SS 1.50958E11 Corrected SS 9.89136E10
Coeff Variation 138.708855 Std Error Mean 3859.03412

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 25193.09 Std Deviation 34945
Median 0.00 Variance 1221155837
Mode 0.00 Range 105000
    Interquartile Range 50000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 6.52834 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 17.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 315 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 105000
99% 105000
95% 100000
90% 80000
75% Q3 50000
50% Median 0
25% Q1 0
10% 0
5% 0
1% 0
0% Min 0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
0 117 100000 3
0 116 100000 87
0 114 100000 115
0 112 100000 119
0 110 105000 57

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 43 34.40 100.00

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kodukai


   Stem Leaf                                                 #  Boxplot       
     10 00005                                                5     |          
      9 0                                                    1     |          
      8 00000000                                             8     |          
      7 000                                                  3     |          
      6 0                                                    1     |          
      5 0000                                                 4  +-----+       
      4 00057                                                5  |     |       
      3 00                                                   2  |     |       
      2 03                                                   2  |  +  |       
      1 055                                                  3  |     |       
      0 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006    48  *-----*       
    Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+4                                              

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kodukai

                       Normal Probability Plot                                
  105000+                                         ** * *++*                   
        |                                        *   +++                      
        |                                   ***** +++                         
        |                                 **   +++                            
        |                                 * +++                               
   55000+                               ***+                                  
        |                              **+                                    
        |                           ++*                                       
        |                        +++ **                                       
        |                     +++   **                                        
    5000+ *  * * ********************                                         
             -2        -1         0        +1        +2                       

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: shintyou




N 133 Sum Weights 133
Mean 159.06015 Sum Observations 21155
Std Deviation 5.46297371 Variance 29.8440818
Skewness -0.2663073 Kurtosis -0.2685635
Uncorrected SS 3368856.9 Corrected SS 3939.4188
Coeff Variation 3.43453323 Std Error Mean 0.4736999

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 159.0602 Std Deviation 5.46297
Median 160.0000 Variance 29.84408
Mode 160.0000 Range 26.00000
    Interquartile Range 7.00000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 335.7825 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 66.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 4455.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 171.0
99% 170.0
95% 167.0
90% 166.0
75% Q3 163.0
50% Median 160.0
25% Q1 156.0
10% 152.0
5% 149.0
1% 145.5
0% Min 145.0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
145.0 126 168.0 254
145.5 127 169.5 255
146.7 128 170.0 256
148.0 130 170.0 257
148.0 129 171.0 258

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 8 5.67 100.00

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: shintyou


   Stem Leaf                        #  Boxplot                                
    170 000                         3     |                                   
    168 05                          2     |                                   
    166 000000000000               12     |                                   
    164 0000000000000              13     |                                   
    162 000000000040000            15  +-----+                                
    160 00000000000002400000005    23  *-----*                                
    158 000000000000005            15  |  +  |                                
    156 0000000000055000008        19  +-----+                                
    154 040000                      6     |                                   
    152 000000000005               12     |                                   
    150 000007                      6     |                                   
    148 0090                        4     |                                   
    146 7                           1     |                                   
    144 05                          2     0                                   

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: shintyou

                       Normal Probability Plot                                
     171+                                              *+* *                  
        |                                          +**+                       
        |                                     ******                          
        |                                 ****+                               
        |                             ****++                                  
        |                         *****+                                      
        |                      ****+                                          
        |                  *****+                                             
        |                ***+                                                 
        |            *****                                                    
        |         ****                                                        
        |     +****                                                           
        |  ++*                                                                
             -2        -1         0        +1        +2                       

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: taijyuu



N 94 Sum Weights 94
Mean 49.287234 Sum Observations 4633
Std Deviation 5.78552577 Variance 33.4723084
Skewness 1.334721 Kurtosis 5.92389428
Uncorrected SS 231460.68 Corrected SS 3112.92468
Coeff Variation 11.738386 Std Error Mean 0.59673142

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 49.28723 Std Deviation 5.78553
Median 49.00000 Variance 33.47231
Mode 48.00000 Range 43.00000
    Interquartile Range 6.00000

Note: The mode displayed is the smallest of 2 modes with a count of 9.

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 82.59534 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 47 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 2232.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 78.0
99% 78.0
95% 58.0
90% 55.0
75% Q3 52.0
50% Median 49.0
25% Q1 46.0
10% 42.0
5% 41.5
1% 35.0
0% Min 35.0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
35.0 139 58 239
38.0 126 59 199
41.0 142 60 187
41.0 128 65 240
41.5 138 78 256

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 47 33.33 100.00


   Stem Leaf                                    #  Boxplot                    
      7 8                                       1     *                       
      6 5                                       1     0                       
      6 0                                       1     |                       
      5 555577789                               9     |                       
      5 00000000011111122222222333333444       32  +-----+                    
      4 55555566666666777778888888888999999    35  *--+--*                    
      4 1122222233344                          13     |                       
      3 58                                      2     0                       
    Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+1                                              

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: taijyuu

                       Normal Probability Plot                                
    77.5+                                                  *                  
        |                                              *                      
        |                                            *++++++                  
    57.5+                                   ++*******                         
        |                          ***********                                
        |               ************                                          
        |      **********++                                                   
             -2        -1         0        +1        +2                       

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kyoui



N 49 Sum Weights 49
Mean 83.1836735 Sum Observations 4076
Std Deviation 5.66301403 Variance 32.0697279
Skewness 1.17902834 Kurtosis 7.39108664
Uncorrected SS 340596 Corrected SS 1539.34694
Coeff Variation 6.80784317 Std Error Mean 0.809002

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 83.18367 Std Deviation 5.66301
Median 84.00000 Variance 32.06973
Mode 85.00000 Range 38.00000
    Interquartile Range 5.00000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 102.8226 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 24.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 612.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 108
99% 108
95% 90
90% 88
75% Q3 85
50% Median 84
25% Q1 80
10% 76
5% 75
1% 70
0% Min 70

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
70 197 88 199
70 160 89 196
75 242 90 227
75 152 90 231
76 127 108 256

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 92 65.25 100.00

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kyoui


   Stem Leaf                     #  Boxplot                                   
    108 0                        1     *                                      
     90 00                       2     |                                      
     88 000                      3     |                                      
     86 000                      3     |                                      
     84 0000000000000000        16  +-----+                                   
     82 0000000000              10  |  +  |                                   
     80 0000000                  7  +-----+                                   
     78 0                        1     |                                      
     76 00                       2     |                                      
     74 00                       2     |                                      
     70 00                       2     0                                      

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kyoui

                       Normal Probability Plot                                
     109+                                               *                     
        |                                                +++                  
        |                                             +++                     
        |                                         ++++                        
        |                                      +++* *                         
        |                                  +++***                             
        |                              ++++***                                
        |                         **********                                  
        |                    *****++                                          
        |               *****+++                                              
        |              * ++++                                                 
        |            **++                                                     
        |         *+*+                                                        
        |      +++                                                            
      71+  +*++ *                                                             
             -2        -1         0        +1        +2                       

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kodukai



N 125 Sum Weights 125
Mean 47232 Sum Observations 5904000
Std Deviation 44871.3009 Variance 2013433645
Skewness 2.28675776 Kurtosis 8.49030939
Uncorrected SS 5.28524E11 Corrected SS 2.49666E11
Coeff Variation 95.0019074 Std Error Mean 4013.41116

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 47232.00 Std Deviation 44871
Median 40000.00 Variance 2013433645
Mode 0.00 Range 300000
    Interquartile Range 40000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 11.76854 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 53.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 2889 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 300000
99% 200000
95% 130000
90% 100000
75% Q3 60000
50% Median 40000
25% Q1 20000
10% 0
5% 0
1% 0
0% Min 0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
0 259 150000 189
0 247 150000 194
0 240 180000 153
0 236 200000 215
0 221 300000 244

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 16 11.35 100.00

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kodukai


   Stem Leaf                                       #  Boxplot                 
     30 0                                          1     *                    
     20 0                                          1     *                    
     18 0                                          1     0                    
     14 400                                        3     0                    
     12 050                                        3     0                    
     10 000005                                     6     |                    
      8 000                                        3     |                    
      6 0000000000002500000055                    22  +-----+                 
      4 00000455000000000000005                   23  *--+--*                 
      2 00000000000000555580000000000000000055    38  +-----+                 
      0 000000000000000000890000                  24     |                    
    Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+4                                              

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kodukai

                       Normal Probability Plot                                
  310000+                                                  *                  
        |                                               *                     
  190000+                                             *                       
        |                                          *** +++++                  
  130000+                                        **++++                       
        |                                     ***++                           
        |                                 +++**                               
   70000+                            ++******                                 
        |                        +******                                      
        |                **********                                           
   10000+*  * ************++                                                  
             -2        -1         0        +1        +2                       

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: shintyou




N 325 Sum Weights 325
Mean 171.965538 Sum Observations 55888.8
Std Deviation 5.37193037 Variance 28.8576359
Skewness 0.02469786 Kurtosis 0.01289563
Uncorrected SS 9620297.46 Corrected SS 9349.87403
Coeff Variation 3.12384122 Std Error Mean 0.29798108

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 171.9655 Std Deviation 5.37193
Median 172.0000 Variance 28.85764
Mode 170.0000 Range 30.50000
    Interquartile Range 6.50000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 577.1022 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 162.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 26487.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 186.5
99% 185.0
95% 180.3
90% 179.9
75% Q3 175.0
50% Median 172.0
25% Q1 168.5
10% 165.0
5% 163.0
1% 160.0
0% Min 156.0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
156 267 184.0 587
157 268 185.0 588
160 274 185.0 589
160 273 186.0 590
160 272 186.5 591

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 7 2.11 100.00

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: shintyou


                  Histogram                 #  Boxplot                        
    187+*                                   2     0                           
       .**                                  4     0                           
       .***                                 6     |                           
    181+**********                         19     |                           
       .***********                        22     |                           
       .*************                      25     |                           
    175+********************               39  +-----+                        
       .************************           47  *-----*                        
       .*******************************    62  |  +  |                        
    169+********************               39  +-----+                        
       .************                       23     |                           
       .*********                          17     |                           
    163+******                             11     |                           
       .****                                7     |                           
    157+*                                   2     0                           
        * may represent up to 2 counts                                        

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: shintyou

                       Normal Probability Plot                                
     187+                                                  *                  
        |                                              ****+                  
        |                                           ***++                     
     181+                                      ******                         
        |                                   ****+                             
        |                                ****+                                
     175+                             ****                                    
        |                         *****                                       
        |                    ******                                           
     169+                *****+                                               
        |             ****+                                                   
        |          ****                                                       
     163+      ****+                                                          
        | ******                                                              
             -2        -1         0        +1        +2                       

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: taijyuu



N 323 Sum Weights 323
Mean 62.0965944 Sum Observations 20057.2
Std Deviation 8.03317776 Variance 64.5319449
Skewness 1.10090099 Kurtosis 2.5348868
Uncorrected SS 1266263.1 Corrected SS 20779.2863
Coeff Variation 12.9365835 Std Error Mean 0.44697797

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 62.09659 Std Deviation 8.03318
Median 61.00000 Variance 64.53194
Mode 60.00000 Range 58.00000
    Interquartile Range 10.00000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 138.9254 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 161.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 26163 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 100.0
99% 88.5
95% 77.0
90% 72.0
75% Q3 66.0
50% Median 61.0
25% Q1 56.0
10% 53.0
5% 51.8
1% 48.0
0% Min 42.0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
42 279 87.0 585
46 280 88.5 365
48 313 90.0 583
48 270 95.0 550
48 269 100.0 551

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 9 2.71 100.00

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: taijyuu


                   Histogram                  #  Boxplot                      
  102.5+*                                     1     *                         
       .*                                     1     0                         
       .*                                     1     0                         
       .*                                     2     0                         
       .**                                    4     0                         
       .****                                 11     |                         
   72.5+***********                          31     |                         
       .*******************                  56  +-----+                      
       .*********************************    97  *--+--*                      
       .*************************            75  +-----+                      
       .*************                        38     |                         
       .**                                    5     |                         
   42.5+*                                     1     |                         
        * may represent up to 3 counts                                        

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: taijyuu

                       Normal Probability Plot                                
   102.5+                                                  *                  
        |                                                  *                  
        |                                                 *                   
        |                                               **                    
        |                                            *** +++                  
        |                                        *****+++                     
    72.5+                                   ******+                           
        |                             *******                                 
        |                      ********                                       
        |              *********                                              
        |     **********++                                                    
             -2        -1         0        +1        +2                       

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kyoui



N 107 Sum Weights 107
Mean 88.2897196 Sum Observations 9447
Std Deviation 8.7906354 Variance 77.2752707
Skewness -1.1128546 Kurtosis 6.10371795
Uncorrected SS 842264.16 Corrected SS 8191.17869
Coeff Variation 9.95657868 Std Error Mean 0.8498228

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 88.28972 Std Deviation 8.79064
Median 89.00000 Variance 77.27527
Mode 90.00000 Range 66.00000
    Interquartile Range 8.00000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 103.8919 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 53.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 2889 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 112
99% 110
95% 100
90% 97
75% Q3 93
50% Median 89
25% Q1 85
10% 80
5% 76
1% 56
0% Min 46

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
46 470 101.0 398
56 330 104.0 343
70 368 109.2 424
75 357 110.0 549
75 279 112.0 551

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 225 67.77 100.00

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kyoui


   Stem Leaf                                  #  Boxplot                      
     11 02                                    2     0                         
     10 9                                     1     0                         
     10 0000014                               7     |                         
      9 5555556667                           10     |                         
      9 0000000000000000000011223334444      31  +-----+                      
      8 555555555566666777777788888999999    33  *--+--*                      
      8 000000002222344                      15     |                         
      7 55688                                 5     |                         
      7 0                                     1     0                         
      5 6                                     1     *                         
      4 6                                     1     *                         
    Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+1                                              

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kyoui

                       Normal Probability Plot                                
   112.5+                                               *  *                  
        |                                             *++++                   
        |                                      ******+                        
        |                                 +*****                              
        |                          *********                                  
        |                 **********                                          
        |           *******++++                                               
        |       ****+++++                                                     
        |     *++++                                                           
        |   *                                                                 
             -2        -1         0        +1        +2                       

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kodukai



N 298 Sum Weights 298
Mean 41580.5369 Sum Observations 12391000
Std Deviation 50189.4917 Variance 2518985074
Skewness 2.06841623 Kurtosis 6.60986094
Uncorrected SS 1.26336E12 Corrected SS 7.48139E11
Coeff Variation 120.70429 Std Error Mean 2907.39919

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 41580.54 Std Deviation 50189
Median 30000.00 Variance 2518985074
Mode 0.00 Range 350000
    Interquartile Range 60000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 14.30163 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 106.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 11395.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 350000
99% 200000
95% 150000
90% 120000
75% Q3 60000
50% Median 30000
25% Q1 0
10% 0
5% 0
1% 0
0% Min 0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
0 591 163000 372
0 590 165000 414
0 588 200000 460
0 585 300000 553
0 581 350000 470

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 34 10.24 100.00

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kodukai


                     Histogram                    #  Boxplot                  
 350000+*                                         1     *                     
       .*                                         1     *                     
       .*                                         1     0                     
       .**                                        6     0                     
       .****                                     11     |                     
       .****                                     10     |                     
       .*******                                  19     |                     
       .****                                     10     |                     
       .******                                   16  +-----+                  
       .************                             35  |  +  |                  
       .***************************              79  *-----*                  
  10000+*************************************   109  +-----+                  
        * may represent up to 3 counts                                        

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kodukai

                       Normal Probability Plot                                
  350000+                                                  *                  
        |                                                  *                  
        |                                                 *                   
        |                                            *****++                  
        |                                        **** ++++                    
        |                                      ***++++                        
        |                                   ****++                            
        |                                 +**+                                
        |                             +++**                                   
        |                         +++*****                                    
        |                     +*******                                        
             -2        -1         0        +1        +2                       

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: shintyou


Schematic Plots

Side-by-side Box Plots

     190 +                                                                    
         |            |                       0                               
         |            |                       0                               
         |            |                       |                               
     180 +            |                       |                               
         |            |                       |                               
         |         +-----+                 +-----+                            
         |         |     |                 *--+--*                            
     170 +         *--+--*        |        |     |                            
         |         |     |        |        +-----+                            
         |         +-----+        |           |                               
         |            |        +-----+        |                               
     160 +            |        *--+--*        |                               
         |            |        |     |        0                               
         |            |        +-----+        0                               
         |                        |                                           
     150 +            0           |                                           
         |                        |                                           
         |                        0                                           
     140 +                                                                    
     sex                             F           M                            

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: taijyuu


Schematic Plots

Side-by-side Box Plots

     100 +            0                       *                               
         |                                    0                               
         |            0                       0                               
         |            0                       0                               
      80 +            |           *           0                               
         |            |                       |                               
         |            |                       |                               
         |         +-----+        0        +-----+                            
      60 +         *--+--*        |        *--+--*                            
         |         +-----+        |        +-----+                            
         |            |        *--+--*        |                               
         |            |        +-----+        |                               
      40 +            |           |           |                               
         |                        0                                           
      20 +                                                                    
     sex                             F           M                            

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kyoui


Schematic Plots

Side-by-side Box Plots

     125 +                                                                    
         |                                    0                               
         |                        *           0                               
     100 +            |                       |                               
         |            |                    +-----+                            
         |         *--+--*     +-----+     *--+--*                            
         |         +-----+     *--+--*        |                               
      75 +            |           |           |                               
         |                        0           0                               
         |            0                                                       
         |                                    *                               
      50 +                                                                    
         |                                    *                               
         |            *                                                       
      25 +                                                                    
     sex                             F           M                            

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kodukai


Schematic Plots

Side-by-side Box Plots

  400000 +                                                                    
         |                                    *                               
  300000 +                        *           *                               
  200000 +                        *           0                               
         |                        0           0                               
         |                        0           0                               
         |                        0           |                               
  100000 +            |           |           |                               
         |            |           |           |                               
         |         +-----+     *--+--*     +--+--+                            
         |         |  +  |     +-----+     *-----*                            
       0 +         *-----*        |        +-----+                            
     sex                             F           M                            

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: shintyou

The Univariate Procedure

sex=' '



N 117 Sum Weights 117
Mean 170.867521 Sum Observations 19991.5
Std Deviation 6.88616591 Variance 47.4192809
Skewness -0.1967722 Kurtosis -0.1614551
Uncorrected SS 3421398.69 Corrected SS 5500.63658
Coeff Variation 4.03011986 Std Error Mean 0.63662626

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 170.8675 Std Deviation 6.88617
Median 170.0000 Variance 47.41928
Mode 175.0000 Range 36.00000
    Interquartile Range 9.00000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 268.3953 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 58.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 3451.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 187
99% 185
95% 182
90% 180
75% Q3 175
50% Median 170
25% Q1 166
10% 162
5% 159
1% 155
0% Min 151

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
151 1 182 113
155 3 183 114
155 2 183 115
157 4 185 116
158 5 187 117

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 8 6.40 100.00

Plots for shintyou

Plots for shintyou

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: taijyuu



N 114 Sum Weights 114
Mean 61.7377193 Sum Observations 7038.1
Std Deviation 9.48644483 Variance 89.9926355
Skewness 0.89920102 Kurtosis 1.68613868
Uncorrected SS 444685.41 Corrected SS 10169.1678
Coeff Variation 15.3657196 Std Error Mean 0.88848696

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 61.73772 Std Deviation 9.48644
Median 60.00000 Variance 89.99264
Mode 55.00000 Range 57.00000
    Interquartile Range 12.00000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 69.48635 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 57 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 3277.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 98.0
99% 90.0
95% 79.9
90% 72.0
75% Q3 67.0
50% Median 60.0
25% Q1 55.0
10% 51.0
5% 50.0
1% 45.0
0% Min 41.0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
41 2 80 75
45 18 85 101
46 1 87 104
48 39 90 74
48 31 98 76

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 11 8.80 100.00

Plots for taijyuu

Plots for taijyuu

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kyoui



N 43 Sum Weights 43
Mean 85.0953488 Sum Observations 3659.1
Std Deviation 10.8486987 Variance 117.694264
Skewness -3.230705 Kurtosis 15.1935403
Uncorrected SS 316315.55 Corrected SS 4943.15907
Coeff Variation 12.7488739 Std Error Mean 1.65441104

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 85.09535 Std Deviation 10.84870
Median 87.70000 Variance 117.69426
Mode 90.00000 Range 71.50000
    Interquartile Range 8.00000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 51.43543 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 21.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 473 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 102.0
99% 102.0
95% 95.0
90% 93.0
75% Q3 90.0
50% Median 87.7
25% Q1 82.0
10% 76.0
5% 76.0
1% 30.5
0% Min 30.5

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
30.5 48 93 114
63.0 40 95 75
76.0 102 95 88
76.0 78 98 90
76.0 65 102 104

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 82 65.60 100.00

Plots for kyoui

Plots for kyoui

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kodukai



N 82 Sum Weights 82
Mean 25193.0854 Sum Observations 2065833
Std Deviation 34945.0402 Variance 1221155837
Skewness 1.01078922 Kurtosis -0.5254177
Uncorrected SS 1.50958E11 Corrected SS 9.89136E10
Coeff Variation 138.708855 Std Error Mean 3859.03412

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 25193.09 Std Deviation 34945
Median 0.00 Variance 1221155837
Mode 0.00 Range 105000
    Interquartile Range 50000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 6.52834 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 17.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 315 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 105000
99% 105000
95% 100000
90% 80000
75% Q3 50000
50% Median 0
25% Q1 0
10% 0
5% 0
1% 0
0% Min 0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
0 117 100000 3
0 116 100000 87
0 114 100000 115
0 112 100000 119
0 110 105000 57

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 43 34.40 100.00

Plots for kodukai

Plots for kodukai

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: shintyou




N 133 Sum Weights 133
Mean 159.06015 Sum Observations 21155
Std Deviation 5.46297371 Variance 29.8440818
Skewness -0.2663073 Kurtosis -0.2685635
Uncorrected SS 3368856.9 Corrected SS 3939.4188
Coeff Variation 3.43453323 Std Error Mean 0.4736999

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 159.0602 Std Deviation 5.46297
Median 160.0000 Variance 29.84408
Mode 160.0000 Range 26.00000
    Interquartile Range 7.00000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 335.7825 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 66.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 4455.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 171.0
99% 170.0
95% 167.0
90% 166.0
75% Q3 163.0
50% Median 160.0
25% Q1 156.0
10% 152.0
5% 149.0
1% 145.5
0% Min 145.0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
145.0 126 168.0 254
145.5 127 169.5 255
146.7 128 170.0 256
148.0 130 170.0 257
148.0 129 171.0 258

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 8 5.67 100.00

Plots for shintyou

Plots for shintyou

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: taijyuu



N 94 Sum Weights 94
Mean 49.287234 Sum Observations 4633
Std Deviation 5.78552577 Variance 33.4723084
Skewness 1.334721 Kurtosis 5.92389428
Uncorrected SS 231460.68 Corrected SS 3112.92468
Coeff Variation 11.738386 Std Error Mean 0.59673142

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 49.28723 Std Deviation 5.78553
Median 49.00000 Variance 33.47231
Mode 48.00000 Range 43.00000
    Interquartile Range 6.00000

Note: The mode displayed is the smallest of 2 modes with a count of 9.

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 82.59534 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 47 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 2232.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 78.0
99% 78.0
95% 58.0
90% 55.0
75% Q3 52.0
50% Median 49.0
25% Q1 46.0
10% 42.0
5% 41.5
1% 35.0
0% Min 35.0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
35.0 139 58 239
38.0 126 59 199
41.0 142 60 187
41.0 128 65 240
41.5 138 78 256

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 47 33.33 100.00

Plots for taijyuu

Plots for taijyuu

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kyoui



N 49 Sum Weights 49
Mean 83.1836735 Sum Observations 4076
Std Deviation 5.66301403 Variance 32.0697279
Skewness 1.17902834 Kurtosis 7.39108664
Uncorrected SS 340596 Corrected SS 1539.34694
Coeff Variation 6.80784317 Std Error Mean 0.809002

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 83.18367 Std Deviation 5.66301
Median 84.00000 Variance 32.06973
Mode 85.00000 Range 38.00000
    Interquartile Range 5.00000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 102.8226 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 24.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 612.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 108
99% 108
95% 90
90% 88
75% Q3 85
50% Median 84
25% Q1 80
10% 76
5% 75
1% 70
0% Min 70

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
70 197 88 199
70 160 89 196
75 242 90 227
75 152 90 231
76 127 108 256

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 92 65.25 100.00

Plots for kyoui

Plots for kyoui

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kodukai



N 125 Sum Weights 125
Mean 47232 Sum Observations 5904000
Std Deviation 44871.3009 Variance 2013433645
Skewness 2.28675776 Kurtosis 8.49030939
Uncorrected SS 5.28524E11 Corrected SS 2.49666E11
Coeff Variation 95.0019074 Std Error Mean 4013.41116

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 47232.00 Std Deviation 44871
Median 40000.00 Variance 2013433645
Mode 0.00 Range 300000
    Interquartile Range 40000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 11.76854 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 53.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 2889 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 300000
99% 200000
95% 130000
90% 100000
75% Q3 60000
50% Median 40000
25% Q1 20000
10% 0
5% 0
1% 0
0% Min 0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
0 259 150000 189
0 247 150000 194
0 240 180000 153
0 236 200000 215
0 221 300000 244

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 16 11.35 100.00

Plots for kodukai

Plots for kodukai

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: shintyou




N 325 Sum Weights 325
Mean 171.965538 Sum Observations 55888.8
Std Deviation 5.37193037 Variance 28.8576359
Skewness 0.02469786 Kurtosis 0.01289563
Uncorrected SS 9620297.46 Corrected SS 9349.87403
Coeff Variation 3.12384122 Std Error Mean 0.29798108

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 171.9655 Std Deviation 5.37193
Median 172.0000 Variance 28.85764
Mode 170.0000 Range 30.50000
    Interquartile Range 6.50000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 577.1022 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 162.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 26487.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 186.5
99% 185.0
95% 180.3
90% 179.9
75% Q3 175.0
50% Median 172.0
25% Q1 168.5
10% 165.0
5% 163.0
1% 160.0
0% Min 156.0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
156 267 184.0 587
157 268 185.0 588
160 274 185.0 589
160 273 186.0 590
160 272 186.5 591

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 7 2.11 100.00

Plots for shintyou

Plots for shintyou

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: taijyuu



N 323 Sum Weights 323
Mean 62.0965944 Sum Observations 20057.2
Std Deviation 8.03317776 Variance 64.5319449
Skewness 1.10090099 Kurtosis 2.5348868
Uncorrected SS 1266263.1 Corrected SS 20779.2863
Coeff Variation 12.9365835 Std Error Mean 0.44697797

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 62.09659 Std Deviation 8.03318
Median 61.00000 Variance 64.53194
Mode 60.00000 Range 58.00000
    Interquartile Range 10.00000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 138.9254 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 161.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 26163 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 100.0
99% 88.5
95% 77.0
90% 72.0
75% Q3 66.0
50% Median 61.0
25% Q1 56.0
10% 53.0
5% 51.8
1% 48.0
0% Min 42.0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
42 279 87.0 585
46 280 88.5 365
48 313 90.0 583
48 270 95.0 550
48 269 100.0 551

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 9 2.71 100.00

Plots for taijyuu

Plots for taijyuu

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kyoui



N 107 Sum Weights 107
Mean 88.2897196 Sum Observations 9447
Std Deviation 8.7906354 Variance 77.2752707
Skewness -1.1128546 Kurtosis 6.10371795
Uncorrected SS 842264.16 Corrected SS 8191.17869
Coeff Variation 9.95657868 Std Error Mean 0.8498228

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 88.28972 Std Deviation 8.79064
Median 89.00000 Variance 77.27527
Mode 90.00000 Range 66.00000
    Interquartile Range 8.00000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 103.8919 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 53.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 2889 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 112
99% 110
95% 100
90% 97
75% Q3 93
50% Median 89
25% Q1 85
10% 80
5% 76
1% 56
0% Min 46

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
46 470 101.0 398
56 330 104.0 343
70 368 109.2 424
75 357 110.0 549
75 279 112.0 551

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 225 67.77 100.00

Plots for kyoui

Plots for kyoui

*** 性別ごとに平均値(方法2) ***

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: kodukai



N 298 Sum Weights 298
Mean 41580.5369 Sum Observations 12391000
Std Deviation 50189.4917 Variance 2518985074
Skewness 2.06841623 Kurtosis 6.60986094
Uncorrected SS 1.26336E12 Corrected SS 7.48139E11
Coeff Variation 120.70429 Std Error Mean 2907.39919

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 41580.54 Std Deviation 50189
Median 30000.00 Variance 2518985074
Mode 0.00 Range 350000
    Interquartile Range 60000

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 14.30163 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 106.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 11395.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 350000
99% 200000
95% 150000
90% 120000
75% Q3 60000
50% Median 30000
25% Q1 0
10% 0
5% 0
1% 0
0% Min 0

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
0 591 163000 372
0 590 165000 414
0 588 200000 460
0 585 300000 553
0 581 350000 470

Missing Values

Missing Values
Count Percent Of
All Obs Missing Obs
. 34 10.24 100.00

Plots for kodukai

Plots for kodukai

Panel 1

Side-by-side Box Plots for shintyou

Panel 1

Side-by-side Box Plots for taijyuu

Panel 1

Side-by-side Box Plots for kyoui

Panel 1

Side-by-side Box Plots for kodukai

*** 性別ごとにヒストグラム(方法1) ***

The Chart Procedure

sex=' '

HBAR of shintyou

shintyou                                        Cum.              Cum.        
Midpoint                                  Freq  Freq  Percent  Percent        
   152.5   |*                                1     1     0.85     0.85        
   157.5   |*****                            5     6     4.27     5.13        
   162.5   |****************                16    22    13.68    18.80        
   167.5   |****************************    28    50    23.93    42.74        
   172.5   |**************************      26    76    22.22    64.96        
   177.5   |****************************    28   104    23.93    88.89        
   182.5   |***********                     11   115     9.40    98.29        
   187.5   |**                               2   117     1.71   100.00        
                5    10   15   20   25                                        

*** 性別ごとにヒストグラム(方法1) ***

HBAR of taijyuu

taijyuu                                Cum.              Cum.                 
Midpoint                         Freq  Freq  Percent  Percent                 
     40   |*                        1     1     0.88     0.88                 
     48   |*******                 13    14    11.40    12.28                 
     56   |*****************       34    48    29.82    42.11                 
     64   |********************    39    87    34.21    76.32                 
     72   |**********              20   107    17.54    93.86                 
     80   |**                       3   110     2.63    96.49                 
     88   |**                       3   113     2.63    99.12                 
     96   |*                        1   114     0.88   100.00                 
               10   20   30   40                                              

*** 性別ごとにヒストグラム(方法1) ***


HBAR of shintyou

shintyou                                           Cum.              Cum.     
Midpoint                                     Freq  Freq  Percent  Percent     
     144   |*                                   1     1     0.75     0.75     
     147   |****                                4     5     3.01     3.76     
     150   |*******                             7    12     5.26     9.02     
     153   |***************                    15    27    11.28    20.30     
     156   |**********************             22    49    16.54    36.84     
     159   |*******************************    31    80    23.31    60.15     
     162   |***********************            23   103    17.29    77.44     
     165   |*********************              21   124    15.79    93.23     
     168   |*****                               5   129     3.76    96.99     
     171   |****                                4   133     3.01   100.00     
                5    10   15   20   25   30                                   

*** 性別ごとにヒストグラム(方法1) ***

HBAR of taijyuu

taijyuu                                  Cum.              Cum.               
Midpoint                           Freq  Freq  Percent  Percent               
     36   |*                          2     2     2.13     2.13               
     42   |*******                   13    15    13.83    15.96               
     48   |**********************    44    59    46.81    62.77               
     54   |**************            27    86    28.72    91.49               
     60   |***                        6    92     6.38    97.87               
     66   |*                          1    93     1.06    98.94               
     72   |                           0    93     0.00    98.94               
     78   |*                          1    94     1.06   100.00               
               10   20   30   40                                              

*** 性別ごとにヒストグラム(方法1) ***


HBAR of shintyou

shintyou                                              Cum.              Cum.  
Midpoint                                        Freq  Freq  Percent  Percent  
     156   |*                                      2     2     0.62     0.62  
     159   |**                                     6     8     1.85     2.46  
     162   |*****                                 12    20     3.69     6.15  
     165   |**********                            24    44     7.38    13.54  
     168   |**********************                55    99    16.92    30.46  
     171   |**********************************    85   184    26.15    56.62  
     174   |*************************             63   247    19.38    76.00  
     177   |***************                       38   285    11.69    87.69  
     180   |***********                           27   312     8.31    96.00  
     183   |****                                   9   321     2.77    98.77  
     186   |**                                     4   325     1.23   100.00  
               10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80                                 

*** 性別ごとにヒストグラム(方法1) ***

HBAR of taijyuu

taijyuu                                    Cum.              Cum.             
Midpoint                             Freq  Freq  Percent  Percent             
     45   |                             2     2     0.62     0.62             
     51   |*******                     33    35    10.22    10.84             
     57   |*****************           84   119    26.01    36.84             
     63   |************************   118   237    36.53    73.37             
     69   |***********                 53   290    16.41    89.78             
     75   |***                         17   307     5.26    95.05             
     81   |**                           9   316     2.79    97.83             
     87   |*                            4   320     1.24    99.07             
     93   |                             2   322     0.62    99.69             
     99   |                             1   323     0.31   100.00             
              20  40  60  80 100 120                                          

*** 性別ごとにヒストグラム(方法2) ***

The Chart Procedure

HBAR of shintyou

sex   shintyou                                          Cum.              Cum.
      Midpoint                                    Freq  Freq  Percent  Percent
         145.5   |                                   0     0     0.00     0.00
         148.5   |                                   0     0     0.00     0.00
         151.5   |                                   1     1     0.17     0.17
         154.5   |*                                  2     3     0.35     0.52
         157.5   |*                                  2     5     0.35     0.87
         160.5   |                                   1     6     0.17     1.04
         163.5   |******                            16    22     2.78     3.83
         166.5   |*******                           17    39     2.96     6.78
         169.5   |********                          20    59     3.48    10.26
         172.5   |******                            15    74     2.61    12.87
         175.5   |*******                           18    92     3.13    16.00
         178.5   |*****                             12   104     2.09    18.09
         181.5   |****                               9   113     1.57    19.65
         184.5   |*                                  3   116     0.52    20.17
         187.5   |                                   1   117     0.17    20.35
F        145.5   |*                                  3   120     0.52    20.87
         148.5   |**                                 4   124     0.70    21.57
         151.5   |****                               9   133     1.57    23.13
         154.5   |******                            15   148     2.61    25.74
         157.5   |**********                        26   174     4.52    30.26
         160.5   |************                      31   205     5.39    35.65
         163.5   |********                          21   226     3.65    39.30
         166.5   |********                          19   245     3.30    42.61
         169.5   |**                                 4   249     0.70    43.30
         172.5   |                                   1   250     0.17    43.48
         175.5   |                                   0   250     0.00    43.48
         178.5   |                                   0   250     0.00    43.48
         181.5   |                                   0   250     0.00    43.48
         184.5   |                                   0   250     0.00    43.48
         187.5   |                                   0   250     0.00    43.48
M        145.5   |                                   0   250     0.00    43.48
         148.5   |                                   0   250     0.00    43.48
         151.5   |                                   0   250     0.00    43.48
         154.5   |                                   0   250     0.00    43.48
         157.5   |*                                  2   252     0.35    43.83
         160.5   |***                                7   259     1.22    45.04
         163.5   |******                            14   273     2.43    47.48
         166.5   |***************                   37   310     6.43    53.91
         169.5   |******************************    74   384    12.87    66.78
         172.5   |******************************    74   458    12.87    79.65
         175.5   |*********************             53   511     9.22    88.87
         178.5   |*************                     33   544     5.74    94.61
         181.5   |*********                         23   567     4.00    98.61
         184.5   |**                                 6   573     1.04    99.65
         187.5   |*                                  2   575     0.35   100.00
                     10  20  30  40  50  60  70                               

*** 性別ごとにヒストグラム(方法2) ***

HBAR of taijyuu

sex   taijyuu                               Cum.              Cum.            
      Midpoint                        Freq  Freq  Percent  Percent            
           35   |                        0     0     0.00     0.00            
           40   |                        1     1     0.19     0.19            
           45   |                        2     3     0.38     0.56            
           50   |***                    15    18     2.82     3.39            
           55   |****                   22    40     4.14     7.53            
           60   |*****                  24    64     4.52    12.05            
           65   |*****                  23    87     4.33    16.38            
           70   |***                    17   104     3.20    19.59            
           75   |*                       4   108     0.75    20.34            
           80   |                        2   110     0.38    20.72            
           85   |                        2   112     0.38    21.09            
           90   |                        1   113     0.19    21.28            
           95   |                        0   113     0.00    21.28            
          100   |                        1   114     0.19    21.47            
F          35   |                        1   115     0.19    21.66            
           40   |**                      9   124     1.69    23.35            
           45   |*****                  24   148     4.52    27.87            
           50   |********               39   187     7.34    35.22            
           55   |***                    16   203     3.01    38.23            
           60   |*                       3   206     0.56    38.79            
           65   |                        1   207     0.19    38.98            
           70   |                        0   207     0.00    38.98            
           75   |                        0   207     0.00    38.98            
           80   |                        1   208     0.19    39.17            
           85   |                        0   208     0.00    39.17            
           90   |                        0   208     0.00    39.17            
           95   |                        0   208     0.00    39.17            
          100   |                        0   208     0.00    39.17            
M          35   |                        0   208     0.00    39.17            
           40   |                        1   209     0.19    39.36            
           45   |                        1   210     0.19    39.55            
           50   |****                   19   229     3.58    43.13            
           55   |***************        76   305    14.31    57.44            
           60   |*******************    94   399    17.70    75.14            
           65   |*************          63   462    11.86    87.01            
           70   |********               42   504     7.91    94.92            
           75   |**                     11   515     2.07    96.99            
           80   |**                      9   524     1.69    98.68            
           85   |*                       3   527     0.56    99.25            
           90   |                        2   529     0.38    99.62            
           95   |                        1   530     0.19    99.81            
          100   |                        1   531     0.19   100.00            
                    20  40  60  80                                            