結果: Reg0403.sas

The Print Procedure


Obs sex shintyou taijyuu kyoui jitaku kodukai carryer tsuuwa
1 F 145.5 42.0 76 自宅生 0   3700
2 F 146.7 41.0 85 自宅生 10000 Vodafone 6000
3 F 148.0 43.0 80 自宅生 50000 DoCoMo 4000
4 F 150.0 46.0 86   40000   .
5 F 151.7 41.5 80 自宅生 35000   .
6 F 152.0 35.0 77 自宅生 60000 DoCoMo 2000
7 F 153.0 46.5 87 下宿生 10000   .
8 F 153.0 55.0 78 自宅生 30000   .
9 F 154.4 44.0 75 自宅生 9000 au 2000
10 F 155.0 48.0 83 下宿生 180000   .

The REG Procedure

Model: MODEL1

Dependent Variable: taijyuu

The Reg Procedure




Number of Observations

Number of Observations Read 190
Number of Observations Used 190

Analysis of Variance

Analysis of Variance
Source DF Sum of
F Value Pr > F
Model 2 10875 5437.31452 217.73 <.0001
Error 187 4669.99539 24.97324    
Corrected Total 189 15545      

Fit Statistics

Root MSE 4.99732 R-Square 0.6996
Dependent Mean 59.41368 Adj R-Sq 0.6964
Coeff Var 8.41106    

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Estimates
Variable DF Parameter
t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept 1 -100.47535 8.03701 -12.50 <.0001
shintyou 1 0.61679 0.04899 12.59 <.0001
kyoui 1 0.64585 0.05742 11.25 <.0001

The REG Procedure

Model: MODEL1

Dependent Variable: taijyuu

Observation-wise Statistics


Diagnostic Plots

Fit Diagnostics

Panel of fit diagnostics for taijyuu.

Residual Plots

Panel 1

Panel of scatterplots of residuals by regressors for taijyuu.

The Print Procedure


Obs sex shintyou taijyuu kyoui jitaku kodukai carryer tsuuwa pred3 resid3
1 F 145.5 42.0 76 自宅生 0   3700 38.3515 3.6485
2 F 146.7 41.0 85 自宅生 10000 Vodafone 6000 44.9043 -3.9043
3 F 148.0 43.0 80 自宅生 50000 DoCoMo 4000 42.4768 0.5232
4 F 150.0 46.0 86   40000   . 47.5855 -1.5855
5 F 151.7 41.5 80 自宅生 35000   . 44.7589 -3.2589
6 F 152.0 35.0 77 自宅生 60000 DoCoMo 2000 43.0064 -8.0064
7 F 153.0 46.5 87 下宿生 10000   . 50.0817 -3.5817
8 F 153.0 55.0 78 自宅生 30000   . 44.2691 10.7309
9 F 154.4 44.0 75 自宅生 9000 au 2000 43.1950 0.8050
10 F 155.0 48.0 83 下宿生 180000   . 48.7319 -0.7319
11 F 156.0 42.0 85 自宅生 0 DoCoMo 15000 50.6404 -8.6404
12 F 156.0 46.0 82 自宅生 10000 Vodafone 7000 48.7028 -2.7028
13 F 156.0 48.0 70 自宅生 30000   . 40.9526 7.0474
14 F 156.0 49.0 85 自宅生 25000   . 50.6404 -1.6404
15 F 156.0 50.0 82 自宅生 40000 Vodafone 10000 48.7028 1.2972

The Plot Procedure

Plot of taijyuu*shintyou

        Plot of taijyuu*shintyou.  Legend: A = 1 obs, B = 2 obs, etc.         
    100 +                                                                     
        |                                        A                            
        |                                             A                       
     80 +                                             A                       
        |                                        A      AA A                  
        |                                        A      A    AA               
taijyuu |                                         B CC  BAA A B  A            
        |                              A        AA   AA AAA   A    A A        
        |                               AA   BB  DA  AA ABAA  AA              
        |                              A   A  A CEC B AA  B   B   A           
     60 +                      A    A   A  AAC   CB AAA B  A ABA A            
        |                           A  A A B  CABBA     BAA                   
        |                  A    A   AA  A  CACB BBA     A      A              
        |                      A B  D  AAB B  AA     A       A                
        |                     AB B CA       B                                 
        |              A   A   B A A   BA   A                                 
        |        A  A    A   A A        A                                     
     40 +          A                                                          
        |                 A                                                   
     20 +                                                                     
         140          150          160          170          180          190 

Plot of taijyuu*kyoui

          Plot of taijyuu*kyoui.  Legend: A = 1 obs, B = 2 obs, etc.          
    100 +                                                                     
        |                                                      A              
        |                                               A                     
     80 +                                               A                     
        |                                               AA              A  A  
        |                                  A     A        A   A               
taijyuu |                                   A A BE    A C  A  A           A   
        |                           A      A     F   C                        
        |                           A  AA  C CAAAAA B A AA         A          
        |                           C    A A AB CFA AA  AA    A               
     60 +                        B  C    B BABE BD    A                       
        |                     A     A   A  GB B AC                            
        |              A       A A  C  B D DAA   B  A                         
        |     A        A       B    A  CC  CB   A                             
        |              A       A    A  BB  C  A                               
        |                     A     D  AA  AAA                                
        |                     BA    B      A                                  
     40 +                                  A                                  
        |                       A                                             
     20 +                                                                     
         60           70           80           90           100          110 

Plot of pred3*taijyuu

          Plot of pred3*taijyuu.  Legend: A = 1 obs, B = 2 obs, etc.          
P    |                                                                        
r 80 +                                                       A                
e    |                                                                        
d    |                                               A                        
i    |                                            A     A    A                
c    |                                     A        AAA                       
t 70 +                                         AA  AAA   A   A      A         
e    |                                   B   B B  A B A     A  A A            
d    |                                   A AC  B  C     A                     
     |                              B    DACA  AAB  C C                       
V    |                               BBB CABCA BAAAAAA  A                     
a 60 +                          AA  A  DABAAAA B AA                           
l    |                           D  BCA  C     B  A                           
u    |                        BAB B C AAAAAAA  A                              
e    |                   A ABAABA   A A   AA                                  
     |                    A  CC  A   A                                        
o 50 +               A    AB A  AB  A    A                                    
f    |               A   AC C A                                               
t    |        A     AA A      AA    A                                         
a    |                A                                                       
i 40 +                      A                                                 
j    |               A                                                        
y    |                                                                        
u    |                                                                        
u    |                                                                        
  30 +                                                                        
       30         40         50         60         70         80         90   

Plot of resid3*shintyou

         Plot of resid3*shintyou.  Legend: A = 1 obs, B = 2 obs, etc.         
   15 +                                          A                            
      |                                                A                      
      |                                                A                      
      |                  A                       A                            
   10 +                               AA                                      
      |                                          A  B   A      A              
      |                            A   A          A  B  A A                   
R     |                      B                B B                             
e     |                                       A  D  A      A                  
s   5 +                                   A      BA   A  A                    
i     |        A                   B     A      AB      A                     
d     |                             A     A  A  A    A         AA             
u     |                        AA         A  A  AA   A   A                    
a     |           A        A A     B      AA A   A      CA B                  
l   0 +--------------------------------------AA--BB--AAA-----A----A--A--------
      |                     A   A               AAC A   A  AA AA              
      |              A       A  A AA  BA AAA AAAA    A  AA AA  B              
      |                A     AA B BA  AA AAA AA  CA A  AA A     A             
      |         A        A                B  BA      A  A                     
   -5 +                           A      A    BA  A A  AA   A AB              
      |                            A  AB        A A      A            A       
      |                                   AB                  AB              
      |                 A                                         A           
      |                      A        A          A              A             
  -10 +                                                            A          
      140           150           160           170           180          190

Plot of resid3*kyoui

          Plot of resid3*kyoui.  Legend: A = 1 obs, B = 2 obs, etc.           
   15 +                                                         A             
      |                                                 A                     
      |                                                 A                     
      |                         A                A                            
   10 +                         A                A                            
      |                            B      A   A A                             
      |              A                         AAB      AA                    
R     |              A             B      A      B                            
e     |    A                       A      BA A   A                            
s   5 +              A                 A A   A   B                            
i     |                     AA     A      A   A        A   A              A   
d     |                            A  A       A AAA A                         
u     |                                A AAA A  AA   A                        
a     |                     AA     B  A  BA  AA AA      B   A                 
l   0 +----------------------------A------C------DA-----AA-----A--------------
      |                         A  A   A AAA   ABB     A       A              
      |                      A     A  BB ADB AB  B  AA         A             A
      |                     A      G  AB  CB  B  C  A  A A                    
      |                      A           AC  BA  A                            
   -5 +                               A   C   A  D      B            A      A 
      |                     A      A   A  AA    B    A                        
      |                      A        B    A AA                               
      |                        A             A                                
      |                               A   B         A                         
  -10 +                                              A                        
      60            70            80            90            100          110

Plot of resid3*taijyuu

         Plot of resid3*taijyuu.  Legend: A = 1 obs, B = 2 obs, etc.          
   15 +                                                              A        
      |                                                           A           
      |                                                         A             
      |                              A                   A                    
   10 +                                   A        A                          
      |                                         A  A  AA A                    
      |                         A               A    A B     AA               
R     |                      A             AAA  A   A                         
e     |                        A            A   B A  B                        
s   5 +                              A     A     AAA A                        
i     |               A               AA AA     A         A   A               
d     |                           A          AA A B    A                      
u     |                          AA     A A A A    B                          
a     |                AA    A A  A    A  CA     A A B A                      
l   0 +------------------------------A----A--D--B--A-AB-----------------------
      |                      B          BA AD   A    A   A                    
      |                    A  BBA  A DBAB A A   B   A         A               
      |               A   ABB BBAA A AA B CA C                                
      |              A     A     AD  A    A                                   
   -5 +                       A AA    AA  B A B AA    A                       
      |               A    AA  A  A   AA           A                          
      |                      B A A        B                                   
      |        A                          A                                   
      |               A   A          B                                        
  -10 +                                     A                                 
        30         40         50         60         70         80         90  

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: resid3 (Residual)

The Univariate Procedure



N 190 Sum Weights 190
Mean 0 Sum Observations 0
Std Deviation 4.97081184 Variance 24.7089703
Skewness 0.53674939 Kurtosis -0.1695554
Uncorrected SS 4669.99539 Corrected SS 4669.99539
Coeff Variation . Std Error Mean 0.36062059

Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 0.00000 Std Deviation 4.97081
Median -1.00562 Variance 24.70897
Mode -6.87066 Range 25.16637
    Interquartile Range 6.55433

Note: The mode displayed is the smallest of 7 modes with a count of 2.

Tests For Location

Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test Statistic p Value
Student's t t 0 Pr > |t| 1.0000
Sign M -9 Pr >= |M| 0.2174
Signed Rank S -554.5 Pr >= |S| 0.4665

Tests For Normality

Tests for Normality
Test Statistic p Value
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.971715 Pr < W 0.0007
Kolmogorov-Smirnov D 0.090494 Pr > D <0.0100
Cramer-von Mises W-Sq 0.349275 Pr > W-Sq <0.0050
Anderson-Darling A-Sq 1.916759 Pr > A-Sq <0.0050


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 14.70601
99% 13.79901
95% 8.86997
90% 7.45505
75% Q3 3.29089
50% Median -1.00562
25% Q1 -3.26344
10% -5.71127
5% -6.99325
1% -8.84107
0% Min -10.46036

Extreme Observations

Extreme Observations
Lowest Highest
Value Obs Value Obs
-10.46036 188 10.7309 8
-8.84107 37 11.4954 111
-8.81405 183 11.7990 141
-8.79630 95 13.7990 142
-8.64036 11 14.7060 113

Plots for resid3

Plots for resid3