/* Lesson 14-05 */ /* File Name = les1405.sas 01/26/21 */ options nocenter linesize=78 pagesize=30; options locale='en_US'; /* options locale='ja_JP'; */ proc printto print = 'StatM20/les1405-Results.txt' new; ods listing gpath='StatM20/SAS_ODS14'; title "Sashelp.iris --- Fisher's Iris Data (1936)"; proc contents data=sashelp.iris varnum; ods select position; run; title "The First Five Observations Out of 150"; proc print data=sashelp.iris(obs=5) noobs; run; title "The Species Variable"; proc freq data=sashelp.iris; tables Species; run; proc fastclus data=sashelp.iris out=outclust maxclusters=3; var SepalLength SepalWidth PetalLength PetalWidth; run; proc plot data=outclust; plot SepalLength*SepalWidth=cluster; plot SepalLength*PetalLength=cluster; plot SepalLength*PetalWidth=cluster; plot SepalWidth*PetalLength=cluster; plot SepalWidth*PetalWidth=cluster; plot PetalLength*PetalWidth=cluster; run; title "Scatterplot Matrix for Iris Data"; proc sgscatter data=sashelp.iris; matrix SepalLength SepalWidth PetalLength PetalWidth / group=Species; run; title "Scatterplot Matrix with histogram for Iris Data"; proc sgscatter data=sashelp.iris; matrix SepalLength SepalWidth PetalLength PetalWidth / group=Species diagonal=(kernel histogram); run; title;