(setq-default case-fold-search nil) ;(setq-default kanji-fileio-code 3) ; JIS ;(setq default-kanji-process-code 3); No convert ;(setq kanji-display-code 3); JIS ;(setq kanji-input-code 3); Nazeka Shift-jis (setq default-file-coding-system *euc-japan*); EUC ;(setq default-process-coding-system *euc-japan*unix); EUC ;;; switch ^h and ^? (let ((table (make-string 128 0))) (let ((i 0)) (while (< i 128) (aset table i i) (setq i (1+ i)))) (aset table ?\177 ?\^h) (aset table ?\^h ?\177) (setq keyboard-translate-table table)) ;(setq default-kanji-fileio-code-find-file-not-found 3); JIS ;(setq load-path (cons "/usr/local/elisp" load-path)) (setq load-path (cons "/export/share/home/ice/elisp" load-path)) ; (setq line-number-mode 1) ;;; Show Line Number on the bottom (06/11/97) (line-number-mode 1) ; ;;; Define a short cut for goto-line (06/11/97) (define-key global-map "\C-xl" 'goto-line) ;;; (define-key global-map "\M-g" 'goto-line) (load "boiled-egg") (its-defrule "nn" "ん" nil nil "roma-kana") ; ; for dserver2.2 (setq dserver-server-list '("localhost")) (setq od-dictfile-list '("od-kojien""od-eiwa""od-chujiten")) ;(setq od-default-jisyo nil) ;起動時に選択できます. (setq od-default-jisyo "eiwa") (setq od-chujiten-flag t) (autoload 'online-dictionary "diclookup-mule" "Online dictionary." t nil) (autoload 'diclookup "diclookup-mule" "Online dictionary. Display diclookup buffer in the current frame." t nil) (autoload 'diclookup-other-frame "diclookup-mule" "Like `diclookup' command, but display diclookup buffer in another frame." t nil) ;;(setq od-fep-type 'canna) ;; ・カーソルの下の単語を調べたい。 (define-key help-map "o" 'od-lookup-pattern-edit) (define-key menu-bar-help-menu [diclookup] '("Diclookup word" . od-lookup-pattern-edit)) (autoload 'od-lookup-pattern-edit "diclookup-mule" "Look up a word." t nil) (global-set-key "\C-cd" 'od-lookup-pattern-edit) ;; とすると、C-h o や menu-bar Help -> Diclookup word でカーソルの下の ;; 単語を調べます。 ; (autoload 'cmushell "cmushell" "" t) ; ;(autoload 'edict-search-english "edict" ; "Search for a translation of an English word") ;(autoload 'edict-search-kanji "edict" ; "Search for a translation of a Kanji sequence") ; ;(global-set-key "\e*" 'edict-search-english) ;(global-set-key "\e_" 'edict-search-kanji) ; (autoload 'tex-mode "cmutex" "document" t) (autoload 'plain-tex-mode "cmutex" "document" t) (autoload 'latex-mode "cmutex" "document" t) (setq tex-view-dvi-file-command "xdvi -geometry +0+0 %s") (setq latex-mode-hook '(lambda () (setq tex-command "jlatex"))) ; for mh (setq mhl-formfile "mhl.mime") (global-set-key "\C-cr" 'mh-rmail) (global-set-key "\C-xm" 'mh-smail) (global-set-key "\C-x4m" 'mh-smail-other-window) (put 'eval-expression 'disabled nil) ; ;mule で予約語に色を付ける設定 (cond (window-system (setq hilit-mode-enable-list '(not text-mode) hilit-backgrond-mode 'dark hilit-inhibit-hooks nil hilit-inhibit-rebinding nil) (require 'hilit19) )) ;; For html-helper-mode (autoload 'html-helper-mode "html-helper-mode" "Yay HTML" t) ;; to invoke html-helper-mode automatically on .html files, do this: (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.html$" . html-helper-mode) auto-mode-alist)) ; for cal.el (setq general-holidays '((holiday-fixed 1 1 "元旦") (holiday-fixed 1 15 "成人の日") (holiday-fixed 2 11 "建国記念の日") (holiday-fixed 3 20 "春分の日") (holiday-fixed 4 29 "緑の日") (holiday-fixed 5 3 "憲法記念日") (holiday-fixed 5 4 "国民の祝日") (holiday-fixed 5 5 "子供の日") (holiday-fixed 9 15 "敬老の日") (holiday-fixed 9 23 "秋分の日") (holiday-fixed 10 10 "体育の日") (holiday-fixed 11 3 "文化の日") (holiday-fixed 11 23 "勤労感謝の日") (holiday-fixed 12 23 "天皇誕生日"))) (setq christian-holidays nil) (setq hebrew-holidays nil) (setq islamic-holidays nil) (setq local-holidays nil) (setq other-holidays nil) (setq solar-holidays nil) ; ; Simple modification for diary-ins.el by A.Sanada, Oct 13, 1995. ; ; The function calendar-date-string-for-ins provides a form of date ; ; month/day, year . ; ; In order to use the function when you insert a daily schedule, ; follow those: ; ; 1) First of all, find out a function insert-diary-entry in ; diary-ins.el: i.e. Find out lines begin with ; ; (defun insert-diary-entry (arg) ; ...... ; ; 2) In the function, revise a function calendar-date-string into new ; function calendar-date-string-for-ins as follows. ; ; <<<<>>>> ; (defun insert-diary-entry (arg) ; "Insert a diary entry for the date indicated by point. ; Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking." ; (interactive "P") ; (make-diary-entry (calendar-date-string (calendar-cursor-to-date t) t t) ; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ; arg)) ; ; <<<<>>>> ; (defun insert-diary-entry (arg) ; "Insert a diary entry for the date indicated by point. ; Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking." ; (interactive "P") ; (make-diary-entry (calendar-date-string-for-ins (calendar-cursor-to-date t) t t) ; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ; arg)) ; ; 3) Add the following into your ~/.emacs . ; ; 4) You can edit the line ; (defvar calendar-display-form-for-ins ; '((if dayname (concat dayname ", ")) month "/" day ", " year) ; "") ; to change the form of date as you like. For example, ; (defvar calendar-display-form-for-ins ; '((if dayname (concat dayname ", ")) month "/" day "/" year) ; "") ; will provide a form of month/day/year. (I haven't tried it yet ; but I have a hunch that it works.) ; ; 5) Have fun! ; ; Atsushi SANADA ; Faculty of Computer Science & System Engineering, ; Okayama Prefectural University, Okayama, Japan ; (defvar calendar-display-form-for-ins '((if dayname (concat dayname ", ")) month "/" day "/" year) "") (defvar calendar-date-display-form-for-ins calendar-display-form-for-ins "") (defun calendar-date-string-for-ins (date &optional abbreviate nodayname) "" (let* ((dayname (if nodayname nil (if abbreviate (substring (calendar-day-name date) 0 3) (calendar-day-name date)))) (month (extract-calendar-month date)) (monthname (if abbreviate month (calendar-month-name month))) (day (int-to-string (extract-calendar-day date))) (month (int-to-string month)) (year (int-to-string (extract-calendar-year date)))) (mapconcat 'eval calendar-date-display-form-for-ins "")))